Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How Are You? - 11/26/13

If the sky is full of emptiness
is it really even full?
And if not,
can't you think of a better
description of its emptiness
than "full?"

"So focus on the stars!"
And the star dust?
That fraction of infinity?
That 5% of matter?
I am that star dust
and I want something more.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Feynman Diagram - 11/13/13

Color me potential.
Highlight paths
that sprawl away
from the interaction
of the present.
Shade each outcome;
cool colors for low days
and warm colors for low days
where I still have the momentum
to smile
and colorless confinement
for nights
when I fall on your floor,
close my eyes,
and interject parables
and physics equations
into your day-to-day life.


there's some finite possibility,
but here's how I see it.

Covenant - 11/113/13

Pass me through
this bisected flesh,
this disjoint bone,
these severed arteries,
split infinitives,
bloodless muscle
over bloodied soil.
Bear these words
before mountain and sea,
before Heaven and Earth,
eternal to my
fleeting soul,
fleeting to the sky's
eternal emptiness,
and should I stray
from this oath,
cut a covenant from me.