Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Second Things - 03/13/13

The second thing I think
when I pick up a pair of scissors
is what I'm going to do with them:
cut paper,
remove price tags,
free hair.
The second thing I think
when I look out over a bridge
is how beautiful the water is.
The second thing I think
when I see a piece of rope

Okay, that's not a good example.
I haven't seen any rope in some time
and I don't know what the second thing I'd think
would be if I did.
What do normal people think
when they see rope?

The second thing I think 
when I pick up my razor in the morning
is where I'll be shaving.

I'm waiting for the day
when the second things I think
will be the first things I think
and the first things I think
won't even cross my mind
because those scissors don't cross
my flesh anymore,
so why do those thoughts
still fall past my eyes
and drown heart beats
in nerves;
so why do those thoughts
still linger,
hung from the rafters
of old habits,
the way I still skip meals
not on purpose, 
but because I honestly forget,
patterns ingrained no longer in my veins
but parts of me
still think they are.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Still Don't Know Linear Algebra - 03/09/13

If meaning is a vector,
can I write poetry with tensors
with an invariant
that grapples at
some object truth
that I have turned away from?

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Ultraviolet Catastrophe - 03/04/13

I built a world
on observations of stars
running backwards,
missing pieces,
imaginary numbers,
and infinite energies
in all the wrong places.

So when the i's
fell into possibilities,
as probabilities somewhere,
as certainties some times,
gentle lines fell along data points
and familiar constants
marketed security as truth,
which I bought in
tera electron volts.

Calculators away,
pens down, papers over,
but left behind
were a pile of dots and squiggles
and my imagination
to build universes
from the scraps of broken lives.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Haylie Says Things And I Listen - 03/03/13

When she described me to her friends,
she said that I had eyes that looked very


away, but dressed like I knew
exactly where I was.