Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wish Granted - 01/30/13

Some  sensual, level woman,
leaning calmly against an aqua bus stop sign,
brilliant aubern hair contrasting,
taking a long, thoughtful look
at the twists and turns of the road,
looked at me
as I paused
and looked at her

and we both said,

Friday, January 18, 2013

Avidya - 01/18/13

Slowly, my child,
must you walk upon this Earth,
and slowly, my child,
you must look,
for your eyes see but
the tiny fraction of the spectrum
that the universe
could fit inside your book.
Slowly must you examine
all that lies before you,
slowly must you observe each turn,
slowly must you analyze
the illusion that you see,
slowly, my child, must you learn.
Slowly, my child,
must you listen to the waves
at frequencies
that say barely anything at all,
while the universe, my dear,
ranges far beyond your ears,
from the infinite to the infinitesimal.