Thursday, August 30, 2012

Escribo - 08-30-12

En los suenos
de día,
en las tazas de té
y café,
en puertos abiertos,
en ventanas brillas,
en relojes con alas como
un pájaro,
en cuadernos sin escriba
y lapices preparados,
en libros en libros en libros
y en leyendo
y en tarea,
en las esperas del futuro,
en las dudas del presente,
en cada cabeza
y pregunta
y palabra,
en cada acción y
toma de té,
en cerebros
con luces de cada color
y otros más,
en los sueños
de día,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Orientation - 08-23-12

All the girls here
look just like girls
I used to
almost know

West - 08-23-12

Big stone
marker in the grass
points the way to
points the way to
shipping freights,
points the way to
different paths.

You stop at the last bench,
in a mossy nook
outside the science building,
to write this.
Because the marker
brings him to mind,
but the quiet cove
and the green cave
and the physics posters in the window
bring him to heart.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Hardest Part of Packing Up - 8-12-12

It's like
plucking a memory
from the
soft tissue
my bone.
Pulling sounds and songs,
twisting whispers and words up
to be piled neatly and sorted through.
Which to keep,
which to leave behind,
which to recycle.
The synapses that hold
them together
all shoved in a tiny tack box.

It's like plucking a memory,
pulling down my posters from Cross Fit,
cards from birthdays and valentines,
invitations to parties,
paintings and doodles
by me and dear friends,
withered flowers from ex-boyfriends
and neighbors
and parents
and friends,
Pokemon cards,
awards for math and science and poetry,
blueprints of spaceships,
images of the cosmos,
hearts, brains, photographs,
magazine clippings,
membership cards,
album covers from old LPs,
clocks, stickers,
and the model of an atom
that I nicked from my chemistry class
in Sophomore year
on the day Mayer didn't come to class.