Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Second Things - 03/13/13

The second thing I think
when I pick up a pair of scissors
is what I'm going to do with them:
cut paper,
remove price tags,
free hair.
The second thing I think
when I look out over a bridge
is how beautiful the water is.
The second thing I think
when I see a piece of rope

Okay, that's not a good example.
I haven't seen any rope in some time
and I don't know what the second thing I'd think
would be if I did.
What do normal people think
when they see rope?

The second thing I think 
when I pick up my razor in the morning
is where I'll be shaving.

I'm waiting for the day
when the second things I think
will be the first things I think
and the first things I think
won't even cross my mind
because those scissors don't cross
my flesh anymore,
so why do those thoughts
still fall past my eyes
and drown heart beats
in nerves;
so why do those thoughts
still linger,
hung from the rafters
of old habits,
the way I still skip meals
not on purpose, 
but because I honestly forget,
patterns ingrained no longer in my veins
but parts of me
still think they are.

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