Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Nuclear Fusion Reactor - 02/15/17

Tell me how you lit a spark
in this sea of gluons and quarks
and sent these protons scattering
at relativistic energies,
colliding into something
Hydrogen to deuterium,
iron down to helium,
each radiated positron, neutrino, or neutron
that keep the reaction going on
can't compare, no, they've got nothing on

Tell me how you lit a spark
in this cold brown dwarf star of a heart,
reignited this reaction,
filled my life with passion, and
changed my course like diffraction
of light.
You are color-confinement, simply captivating;
radiant, like electrons decelerating;
your smile seems to keep time dilating
my nights.

I'm warm, I'm soft, I'm bright,
and I think I might just be alright,
each time you call me "Starlight."

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