Open fire and flames.
Open fire and flames and fumes.
Open fire and flames
And forgotten fame
And fever.
Dear Mr. Devil,
We regrettably inform you that we will be unable to make this evenings ball due to the inconvenience of being alive. We have heard many great things about your parties and were looking so forward to this one. Please know that we mean no offence and hope to join you next time.
The Young and Tragic
If I could be anything
I’d like to be a candle.
A simple, quickly-over life,
Nothing much to handle.
Set alight one day,
Left to brightly burn.
A beautiful travesty,
A rose’s bloodied thorn.
The candle killed by kindness,
Just trying to spread light.
The happiness is seen
But the bringer out of sight.
And as the day passes,
The wax evaporates,
Until there is nothing left,
Gone without a trace.
So bring me structured poetry
And overly-lyrical verse,
For I have images of blood
And stars and a polished hearse,
Because I am not a candle
Who will slowly die,
But a bit of dynamite,
Waiting to ignite.
Dear God,
I noticed the rain. It rains often here and it’s hard to not notice, but what I noticed was that it wasn’t raining. And it hasn’t rained in some time. I know your subjects think the rain is you crying, so I can only imagine that a lack of rain is depression. I’ve been having trouble crying lately too. Trouble washing away all the darkness. It gets bottled up, becomes acidic, and starts to chew away at my soul. Which is okay for me, because I’m mortal. But I don’t want to live in a world with a God whose soul has disintegrated. So come down to visit, and we’ll drink orange juice and cry until the oceans flood.
It’ll be fun.
My best,
The Atheist
You pretty little whore.
You filthy little doll.
Your dress is much too short,
Your ego much too tall.
I think it’s time to take a hit,
I think it’s time to fall.
You know you’re not immortal,
You know you’re gonna die,
So where’d you find the insanity
To look fate in the eye?
So where’d you find the courage
To laugh instead of cry?
Dear Ms. Dickinson,
You are bad luck.
The Heartbroken
The lighter met a candle.
Tall and thin and pale,
A girl of only seventeen
Who’d skipped too many meals.
The lighter didn’t know her secrets,
He didn’t know her pain,
He thought that they could be friends,
No reason to refrain.
I don’t know what he saw in her,
The ugly stick of wax,
With a wick wound so tight
She never could relax,
With poorly crafted body
That had cracked too many times,
With a soul of blood and lust
That thought in verse and rhyme.
And when he found those verses,
Soaked in carnage and tears,
The silly little lighter
Found something to fear.
The girl was a cheater,
Dynamite in disguise,
Who smiled far too brightly
For one who hides such lies.
Dear Scissors,
I’m sorry about last night. It was wrong. But I was lonely, and sad, and afraid to cry and God wasn’t around to make a joke. And the Devil wasn’t around to play the right music. And Blood would not shut up. It was wrong. But Poetry had failed me. But cats make me cry. But it wasn’t raining and I ran to you for comfort and found it. It was wrong. And it really mustn’t happen again.
But I can’t stop thinking about your embrace. You can be the arms I’m longing for, the kisses I’m missing, the best friend who understands. You accept me. Treat my the same when I’m making art or breaking skin. You don’t look at me like I’ve sinned when all I’ve done is freed the needs I have.
It was wrong and it really mustn’t happen again. But don’t worry, because I’ve always been one for breaking the rules.
I love you,
Misery and Madness
It’s a little scary, at first.
That first moment in the water.
Time freezes and you think
You’re drowning.
And you really are drowning.
Forever and all eternity.
But eternity ends
A second later
And the words come
And it’s all over.
Forever and all eternity
It is over.
But eternity ends
A second later.
Heart: Are we alright?
Mind: Are we alive?
Body: Where are we?
Soul: Doesn’t matter.
Heart: Everything matters!
Mind: Everything has energy.
Body: I think we should move . . .
Soul: What. Ever.
Heart: The entire universe is filled with love and magic! And you think it doesn’t matter? Have you never seen a star? Don’t you remember beyond the universe?
Mind: The entire universe is filled with physics and magic! And you think it doesn’t matter? Have you never seen a star? Don’t you remember beyond the universe?
Body: I’m hungry.
Soul: I’m leaving now.
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