Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Lesson In Cosmology - 12/04/14

You are so incredibly
One in seven billion people
on a planet that is
one in nine orbiting
a sun that is
one in 400 billion stars
in a galaxy that is
one in 100 billion galaxies
in the universe that
is all
of everything.
Infinitely big
that makes you look so
infinitely small.
And the same is true
of everyone you meet.
Your cosmic insignificance,
your fear, and your pain
are shared
by every other being
in existence.
You and I are so incredibly

You are so incredibly
You are one made of
100 trillion cells
made of
70 trillion atoms
made of protons, neutrons, and electrons,
made of quarks and gluons,
made of light an energy,
made of singularities,
down to the smallest limit.
You are 7 billion people,
you are 9 planets,
you are 400 billion stars,
you are 100 billion galaxies,
you are a universe
that is all
of everything.
Infinitely small
that makes you look so
infinitely big.
And the same is true
of everyone you meet.
Your cosmic significance ,
your pride, and your purpose
are shared
by ever other being.
You and I are so incredibly

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Real - 12/03/14

Tell me something I don't know
and sow a seed
of curiosity
that blooms divergently,
with no natural number
such that all subsequent
fall inside of an epsilon neighborhood.

Tell me something I don't know
about the intricacies
of continuity
and how to prove conclusively
when a sequence converges
to an element of the domain
and the function does the same.

Tell me something I don't know
and, soon enough, I will.

Tell me something I've always known,
something I've grown up using,
and accepting,
never expecting to have it
called into question
while reflecting on what
we'll consider axiomatic
and what we'll demand a proof of.

Tell me something I've always known
and throw away one of the premises
to watch how the truth
changes with changing mathematics
and, while you're at it,
reality changes too.

Tell me something I've always known
and let me prove it.